Dieser Beitrag hat 4 Kommentare

  1. Sigurd

    Zwei Bunker in einem Bild. Und ohne Himmel wirkt das Ganze noch beklemmender. – Hilfe!

  2. Regis

    Berlin architecture always makes interesting shots. The framing in this one is just great.

  3. hildi

    Ja, so kommt das gut rüber. Mit meinen Bildern von diesem Ort war ich sehr unglücklich. Aber das hier sieht so aus, wie es soll!

  4. Ralf

    Great depicturing of a mood. I’ve been looking through your work, and I would be honored to have you as a member on my site for artistic photographers! Our screeners will give you useful feedback on every shot you upload and we will post your photoblog-address so that even more people can enjoy your great work. I hope you could find some inspiration there too, in my work and many others. Thanks! // Ralf

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