• Beitrags-Kategorie:Mitte
  • Beitrags-Kommentare:3 Kommentare

Dieser Beitrag hat 3 Kommentare

  1. Sigurd

    Zum Bildtitel: Für den Souvenirstand gilt, es sind nicht immer Relikte. Da wird schon lange jede Menge an Ost-Krimskrams nachproduziert, einfach um die Nachfrage bei den Touristen zu bedienen. Mützen, Winkelemente (DDR-deutsch für Fähnchen), Mauerbruchstücke…

  2. Czech Daily

    My German is relatively good but I still have to ask Sigurd: does it mean that the „pieces of the wall“ that are sold at giftshops, incl. Haus am Checkpoint Charlie near the Kochstrasse U-Bahn are, well, fake?

  3. Sigurd

    You got it, Czech, that’s exactly what I meant. Maybe not everything is a fake. (As a museum the Haus am Checkpoint Charlie should be reliable, I guess.) But I have read newspaper articles about factories in Poland producing these kind of souvenirs. Not only from the socialist era, they sell even faked Nazi relics. There’s a market for those things. It’s strange but true.

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