Dieser Beitrag hat 4 Kommentare

  1. Such beauty to behold surrounded by such ugliness, what a concept!
    Lauren Reagan

  2. Wendy

    Hi – it has been a while since I stopped by your blog. I’m trying to catch up now.

    Are these models by any chance? Their bags look so big to be just a normal person’s purse. I love your glimpses into normal life in Berlin.

  3. Dichter

    Quatsch, das sind keine Models: das sind die drei Göttinnen Aphrodite, Pallas Athene und Hera; und der Photograph nennt sich Paris und wird der schönsten gleich einen Apfel reichen. Doch welche ist nur die schönste? – und was verspricht sie ihm für den Apfel?

    Eine wirklich spannende Geschichte, nicht wahr?

  4. Wendy

    No, no. I apologize if you mistook my question about them being models. I did not mean that you hired models to pose for you. I am from New York and I would see models and actresses on the street in Manhattan all the time. They are very pretty girls – they could easily be models. It is nice to happen upon pretty girls while walking around town, yes?

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